Foldable emulators in Android Studio - or as I like to call it, the beginning of the end
import foldable_emulators from ‘./images/foldable_emulators.mp4’
Foldable emulators in Android Studio - or as I like to call it, the beginning of the end
I have been thinking about how one can test apps on foldables - there’s no way I am going to invest in $2000+ on a handset - in fact I distinctly recall my first macbook pro was only really about $1600 (after some work discounts of course).
Anyway, looks like foldable emulators are available on Android Studio now (requires time investment), so I don’t have to. Plus Samsung eww.
Get AS 3.5 canary 10 or above.
Update the emulator to 29+
Get the latest Android Q beta
Create a new AVD by using the available 7.3” or 8” foldables.
Bonus! apply changes (the new instant run) looks available in this version of AS also! (But that might warrant a different post)
Here's what it looks like:
<video width="30%" controls autostart autoPlay src={ foldable_emulators } type="video/mp4" /> This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.